


The app that protects your ass(ets)

A suite of digital safety tools for private communication, web search, and identity theft protection. We were chosen by the Underdog agency in NYC to give Mark Cuban’s messaging app a disruptive rebrand—making privacy a right, not just a policy.



Visual Identity

Motion Design

Brand Applications


Client: Dust

Agency: Underdog

Year: 2019

Country: USA

Sector: Telecom


The Challenge


To create a brand framework capable of representing the different attributes of the brand, such as secure end-to-end encrypted messenger, data ownership, and ephemeral messaging, while adopting a rebel and outlaw personality that contrasts with the segment's paradigm.


What we did


Dust's wordmark logo features a bold yet simple statement: a colon that introduces the concept of a list of things to follow —making the brand’s name a label or container for those things. The typography gives weight to our words and sets the tone for everything we say. It has an unmistakable and unapologetic rebellious personality that combines human elements with a fearlessly unique character.

Vibrant colors explode out of bold tonal shades through designs that have a hint of technological disorder — these are the colors of the war on privacy. The tone of voice is anthem-like, inspirational, and filled with purpose, with a devilish sense of humor that adds dimension and authenticity. The brand's photography lives in two worlds that can sometimes collide, while emojis help conveys emotions, that allow people to communicate in a way they're familiar with.  


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